I'm currently a 2nd year graduate student in the Department of Computer and Information Sciences at East Tennessee State University. I received my Bachelor of Science Degree from ETSU in the summer of 2005. Here are a few of the things I am interested in or just enjoy getting involved with:
Any Type of Programming
Microsoft Technologies
Embedded Systems
Home Automation
Video Processing
Public Speaking
Embedded XP Programming
Web Development
Macromedia Products
Adobe CS2 Products
Hunting, Fishing, Camping... anything outdoors
Off Road'n in his Jeep Wrangler
Sports.... especially Basketball and Football
Getting to work with others
Oh and he likes to play pool too
I'm married to Rebecca Arrington, whom you can see in some of the pictures on the sidebar, and I love every opportunity to just hang out, not be so nerdy, and be with her!!
I enjoy participating in competitions like Microsoft's Imagine Cup Competition.
Click here to read an article published by ETSU about my team before we went to Redmond for the national competition.
After all the judging was complete, we place 3rd in the United States!!! You can read more about the 2006 results in Microsoft's article by clicking here.