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This page has been requested so that Church and Community members can add individuals that need to be visited by one of the deacons or members of the Church.
Please feel free to add individuals you know that need to be visited or to visit those individuals listed below.

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Philip Hi Pippin,Awesome plugin, but this, the boomiarkkng of other websites, thats the biggest thing we are looking for.Nowhere to be found! Your plugin is the closest best thing.Is it not possible to let users have this functionality by having the websites-bookmarks as custom post types with a redirect function? This way when you open a particular custom post', it redirects you to the url the user entered when adding that custom post? I think that could be a solution to your plugin to have this functionality?Please help us, your thoughts please, and willing to pay, or point us in the right direction?Greetings from the netherlandskuif shyAjUPIhjO on Thursday March 6, 2014
Edsel & Arbutis Hilton Unable to drive to church n/a on Monday February 28, 2011

It is currently 4:17 pm on Thursday January 23rd on the Darthula Baptist Church Web Server

Darthula Baptist Church 1741 Lunsford Mill Rd Hiltons, VA 24258 (423) 361-1008
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