Messages To Belize Team | |
Date and Time Posted: Saturday March 16, 2013 - 5:25:36 pm What a week! What great blessings. And the blessings will continue through God at work in the lives you have touched with the good news of Jesus and the gift of healing. I know you have had a good day today enjoying beautiful Belize. I pray for your travel tomorrow. Belize iand its precious people, God's precious people will be in our hearts forever. Vaya con Dios! Posted By:Jim Collie | |
Date and Time Posted: Saturday March 16, 2013 - 9:53:00 am Your mission is almost completed and praise GOD for all the lives that you all have touched. I know that in each one of your hearts that you have been touched by GOD through his people and have made his words of love,peace and friendship true to not only the people of Belize but the entire team. Keep up the great work you all have been doing! Can't wait to see you all tomorrow night. Blessing on your flight home. LOVE YOU ALL. Posted By:Sandy Austin | |
Date and Time Posted: Friday March 15, 2013 - 6:06:26 pm For Missy Mullins - Praying for (each of) you and your families daily! The pictures are beautiful! Thank you for sharing these with us! Please know that GOD is with you. HE is working through you in the lives of the people there and also in our lives here. GOD is well pleased with your service to HIM and HIS children. HE will pour out HIS blessings on you! So proud of you all, but we know all the glory, praise and honor belong to HIM! Little children, let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action. I John 3:18 Missy - here's your verse: The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and HE knoweth them that trust in HIM. Nahum 1:7 LOVE, PEACE AND BLESSINGS TO ALL OF YOU! See you soon, Missy! We've missed you! Posted By:Mandy, Fern, Patty, Engie, Nancy and all your friends at wor | |
Date and Time Posted: Friday March 15, 2013 - 6:01:17 pm WOW! What a week! I'm so glad some team members got to visit Armenia. Talking about you and praying for you. I can close my eyes and hear the beautiful praises sung to the Mighty God we serve. Love and prayers. Posted By:Jim Collie | |
Date and Time Posted: Friday March 15, 2013 - 9:02:04 am Hello again Belize Mission Team,
We are so encouraged by your messages that you have posted! We know you are working hard to help these people both physically and spiritually. And think of the rewards you are receiving. When we read your messages about how the Holy Spirit is moving and how you are hearing praises to God in different languages, we get joyfully tearful here at home. It's like reading the book of Acts all over again (we have a picture in our minds about what you must be witnessing) - think of it - how powerful the work you are doing is.
Special message to Layton: Keep moving forward in HIS strength and love. You were in the circle of prayer at Darthula on Wednesday night, and Bill and I continue to pray for you daily. All is well at home.
God bless each one of you! Posted By:Jan and Bill Moore | |
Date and Time Posted: Thursday March 14, 2013 - 9:49:17 pm Harold and Nancy Willis, and missions team: I have been so blessed and excited to read and see what is going on on this mission trip! Thanks for all of the information/postings. As I was reading God's word yesterday, I came across a passage that made me think of you guys (hope it is a reminder and an encouragement to all of you): Romans 10: 14-15 How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" I am thankful to each one of you are spreading "the good news!" God bless! Love, Ashley Patton Posted By:Ashley Patton | |
Date and Time Posted: Thursday March 14, 2013 - 6:12:41 pm Praying for the harvest of souls..healing in all ways...God's love spread far and wide..also praying for blessings..safety and a mighty hedge of protection around you all! Posted By:Kathy Taylor | |
Date and Time Posted: Thursday March 14, 2013 - 12:14:42 pm How wonderful to see how God is using you this week. what stories you will tell when you come home. We have had snow flurries here in Wise. I walked out to the UVa-Wise campus with Hokie our dog yesterday morning, Wednesday) and we came home covered in snow! Love and prayers to all. Godspeed. Jim Posted By:Jim Collie | |
Date and Time Posted: Thursday March 14, 2013 - 8:21:30 am So blessed by the pictures. You all are doing a wonderful work for God! Just so pleased that there are people willing to step up and out and do what God's calls them to do. You will be greatly blessed, even though I know you go out of love and expecting nothing in return, you will be blessed. We miss you Missy! I know you are having the experience of a lifetime! So proud of you! God's blessings on each of you as you continue His work! Posted By:Denise Elkins | |
Date and Time Posted: Wednesday March 13, 2013 - 8:55:39 pm A special hello to the team in Belize! So glad to see the wonderful pics. Praying for God to bless each of you as you serve with a heart like Jesus. "We can do no great things; only small things with great love!" Great will be your reward for all you do. I send encouragement to each of you...especially my sister Missy. Know that all is well at home & we love you bunches! Posted By:Tamara Mullins | |
Date and Time Posted: Wednesday March 13, 2013 - 10:29:33 am Greetings Belize Team!
We are excited that all of you are serving the Lord!
Layton, a special message for you...we are praying that the Holy Spirit will anoint you and others during the crusade so that your words become God's words and that HIS love is witnessed, through You, by those in attendance. We pray and trust God that souls will be saved, and we know that the seeds of the gospel will be sown. We pray for His strength to be in you as you continue doing His work. At home, on this Wednesday, Bill and I looking forward to tonight's prayer service at Darthula and are looking forward to listening to John.
To the entire Belize team, God bless you. Posted By:Jan and Bill Moore | |
Date and Time Posted: Tuesday March 12, 2013 - 9:13:51 pm Jackson,we know mission work can be very tiring but also rewarding.Take in all that God has for you to see and do.It is an experience of a lifetime.Praying for you and the team.
Posted By:John and Gaye Bentley | |
Date and Time Posted: Tuesday March 12, 2013 - 3:13:54 pm Tauna, Renee, Erra, Alex, and everyone else:
I hope that you all are having an AMAZING time allowing God to use you to minister and heal the people of Belize! I miss being there so much and can't wait to travel back! You guys keep up the great work! Tell Yevette and everyone else I said hello!
Watch out for those spiders and scorpions!! :)
Bryant G. Posted By:Bryant Gray | |
Date and Time Posted: Tuesday March 12, 2013 - 11:07:46 am Praying for smiles on your faces and God's love to pour out through healing hands. Love you! Godspeed. Jim Posted By:Jim Collie | |
Date and Time Posted: Tuesday March 12, 2013 - 7:06:39 am Good morning Belize Team. I'm pray for each of you daily as you serve in His name. May God bless you and others you serve. Love and prayers as you finish the week and travel back home.
He...set my feet upon a rock and established my steps. Psalm 40:2 Posted By:Margie Horton (Melissa Blackburn's mom) | |
Date and Time Posted: Monday March 11, 2013 - 10:17:54 pm Jackson and the entire Belize mission team, we are so proud of you all and so blessed by GOD to have you not only as our children but also our family of GOD. Keep up the wonderful work you all are doing. Have fun, work hard and always remember that you are missed and loved by all of us back home. Great job in clinic today seeing so many patients, I am sure the blessings you received from them are memories of a lifetime. WE LOVE U ALL. (Mom, Dad, and Sis) Posted By:Sandy,Tim and Sami Jo Austin | |
Date and Time Posted: Monday March 11, 2013 - 2:02:07 pm Hello Belize Mission Team! We are so glad you arrived safely...we pray that all of you arrived in good health.
Bill and I are praying for all of you...for both both spiritual and physical miracles to happen while you in Belize (and afterwards as well). We pray that God's strength will be in each of your efforts.
Church services were good at Darthula yesterday, so rest easy, Layton:) We missed you very much, but we know that you are carrying on God's Great Commission! God will bless you for doing so.
"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint". Isaiah 40:31
We look forward to your messages and photos, and we will continue to pray for you all. Love, Jan and Bill Moore
Posted By:Jan and Bill Moore | |
Date and Time Posted: Monday March 11, 2013 - 12:53:35 pm Hey Rach,glad you had a safe trip,I pray every day that you will be safe and have a wonderful and learning trip.Take care of yourself and the ones you meet. LOVE YOU DAD Posted By:DAD | |
Date and Time Posted: Monday March 11, 2013 - 12:39:51 pm Hey Rachel! I want you to know I am praying for you and your mission team. I am so proud of you for having the heart and courage to go on this mission trip. I look forward to hearing about all the good things God is doing through your team. God bless!!! Posted By:Aunt Kay | |
Date and Time Posted: Monday March 11, 2013 - 10:21:49 am Good Morning Awesome Belize Team! We are praying for you as you come to heart and mind many times each day. Praying, too, for the "technical difficulties." I can see the Saturday pictures and Saturday and today's narrative on the Darthula site. Your experiences Sunday reminded me of how often Jesus worked healing miracles "on the way." Jerry, I got to preach at brother Don as I filled in at Pound Presbyterian yesterday. We prayed for the team. Erra and Melissa, Billy and I had breakfast with Margie and Steve after leaving the airport. I am so very proud of each of you. Love, prayers and Godspeed! Posted By:Jim Collie | |
Date and Time Posted: Monday March 11, 2013 - 9:37:34 am Hey Rachel and mission team,
Greenville Baptist Church is praying hard for you all to be the hands and feet of Jesus. We are so thankful for the example you set of going to the uttermost parts of the earth to care for God's children. Thank you for using all you have for the glory of God. We are proud of you and are praying for you.
Love in Christ,
Pastor Jamie and your Greenville Baptist Family Posted By:Pastor Jamie McClanahan | |
Date and Time Posted: Monday March 11, 2013 - 8:49:53 am We want you and the team to know that you are being held up before God in our prayers daily for your safety and know that you are doing God's will. The narratives are very helpful in keeping the families posted on the work the team is doing and the pics are great! May God be with each one of you as you serve those in need medically and spiritually. What a great way to spend a "spring break". We are one of many proud parents! We love you Rachel! Mom and Dad (Doris and Rodney Kessler) Posted By:Doris Kessler | |
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Darthula Baptist Church 1741 Lunsford Mill Rd Hiltons, VA 24258 (423) 361-1008