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Daily Narrative from the Belize Mission Group

Date and Time Posted: Saturday March 14, 2009 - 8:36:31 am

Friday, March 13 -- This morning we had fry jack, refried beans, eggs, and fruit for breakfast. That is my favorite. There was a little sadness because everyone knew that this was the last day to operate the clinic. The team had several patients and at days end the total number of people they have treated is 427. This is so amazing. No one was turned away. We also had a baptism service today a baptised a young lady that was saved this week. Tauna took the boys to a village called "More Tomorrow" to pass out beans and rice. They were amazed at the poverty of the people. While they were there the boys got an iguana and brought it back to the compound to scare the girls. After playing with it for a while, a local here on the compound names Wendel, cooked it and "some" of the team ate it. I will not mention their names. I will let you figure out who on the team could do such a thing. Clay brought the evening devotions and all were very moved as we all shared our experiences here this week. Surely the Lord has used this team. Saturday is our free day and we are all going to some Myan Ruins called Lamanai. More Later. God Bless......

Posted By:The Team

Date and Time Posted: Thursday March 12, 2009 - 11:46:20 pm

Thursday, March 12 ---- This morning we awoke to another beautiful sunrise over the village of Roaring Creek. At night you can hear the sounds of the jungle and it makes you go right off to sleep. Maybe it is because we are so tired from all the activities of the day. The medical team was as usual very productive in the clinic today. They are seeing all sorts of things that many med students would not normally see. As the week goes on more and more people come to the clinic. I was in the dining hall this morning and Caleb Vass came running up to me and was so excited and he said that he had witnesed to a man that was waiting to get into the clinic and he won him to the Lord. I told Caleb that he just won a crown from the Lord for being a soul winner. Wow... What a wonderful experience to see these young people work for the Lord and grow in His marvelous grace. I am so proud of each of them. This morning, some of us went into the Spanish community where we will be building a church building for Uriah Baptist. We walked over the land and then placed Samuel Gregorio, the Spanish pastor whom we will be building the building for in June, in the middle of a circle and prayed for him and the project that is unfolding. It was very hot, but as we prayed, there was a cool breeze that blew the entire time we prayed. God surely has His hand on that project and each of us could feel His presence all around us. This afternoon, we took some of the students to a small village called Arizona. We passed out bags with beans and rice to the people of the village. They were very happy to receive the gift. We are so blessed to have the abundance we have. Most of us fail to realize how wonderful God has been to us. Many people here in Belize are hungry and live in extreme poverty. It is a life changing experience to see it first hand. Tonight, we are just relaxing around the compound and many are going to bed early. The clinic will be open tomorrow and then Saturday, the team will drive north to Orange Walk and go to Lamanai, some Myan Ruins. Once again, please keep us in your prayers. God Bless.....

Posted By:The Team

Date and Time Posted: Thursday March 12, 2009 - 11:20:39 am

Wednesday March 11 --- Daybreak is around 6:00 am and night fall is 6:00 pm. Each morning the team is up and stirring at daybreak taking showers and getting ready for the days activities. We have breakfast at 7:30 and by 8:30 the clinic is open and there is always people standing waiting for the team to open the doors of the clinic. There were more patients today than we had yesterday. News is spreading in the village that there is a medical team from the states in the clinic. That is usually the way it works down here. One patient we had today was a lady named Carmella. She is a member of Faith Baptist here on the compound. Her kidneys are failing and she is on dialisis. The doctors at the hospital told her that the shunt needed to be replaced before she could receive any more dialisis and they did not have anyone here in Belize that could do it. Her only hope was to go to Guatamalla and have it done there. She asked if we would anoint her with oil and pray for her. The cost of a new shunt and trip to Guatamalla was $1500. She already had raised $1000. I was called to the clinic to pray with her. Dr. Smiddy and the students joined with me in the anointing and we prayed for this precious lady. The power of God filled the room and it was like heaven came down. Dr. Smiddy left the room and came back with $500 and gave it to the lady. You would be so proud of this team and each of them represent you. Even though we are thousands of miles apart, In Christ we are always together in His body. While we were ministering to this lady, Jim Gott and Libby Wachter were leading a man to the Lord in the waiting room. So many things like this are happening on this trip and each day is filled with exciting wonderful things. Each of us know that this is not our team, it is the Lords, and our cups are running over. In church service tonight at Faith, Pastor Delbert Rhaburn brought the message and Frank Waldo, from our team was commissioned by Faith Baptist Church to be their official Missionary. Everywhere the Lord leads Frank, he will represent Faith Church. Dr. Joe had our evening devotions and everyone was touched by his wisdom and strength. What a great warrior for the Lord is this man. At that point everyone ate ice cream and cake and fell into bed exhausted. God Bless....

Posted By:The Team

Date and Time Posted: Wednesday March 11, 2009 - 11:13:04 am

Tuesday, March 11 --- Everyone had a wonderful nights sleep from the long and hard day Monday. After breakfast, the clinic was opened here at Uriah. The team saw several people but not near as many as on Monday at Lagoon Road. I think the Lord knew how hard everyone worked on Monday and was just letting them have a light day to rest up. We closed the clinic at 3:00 pm and took the team to Spanish Lookout for some ice cream. We also visited a large department store and the team could purchase items they might need or want. Caleb is working with Eva distributing glasses to people who need them. One elderly woman who sewed for a living was given a new pair of glasses and she said that now she could see to thread her needle and was so happy. After our evening meal of beef stew and biscuits, our team drove to Uriah Baptist Church. This is a church in the Spanish section of Roaring Creek that the Clinch Valley Baptist Association in Scott County Virginia will build a building for in June of this year. We prepared bags of beans and rice to distribute after the service. Samuel Gregorio is the pastor and he brought the message. We did not have an interpretor and he preached in Spanish. We could not understand the language but we all knew and recognized the Spirit. What a wonderful experience it was for us. When we came back to the compound, Michael Thacker gave our evening devotions and our hearts were blessed again. Each shared personal testimonies of how the Lord was touching their hearts on this trip. Nicole Carter gave the devotions for Monday night and we all shared experiences how God is using this team. I am amazed how God is using these young medical students and know that He will bless them in a great way. All are well and happy and we ask that you continue to keep us in your prayers. God Bless......

Posted By:The Team

Date and Time Posted: Tuesday March 10, 2009 - 12:28:56 pm

Monday March 10-- After an early morning breakfast, the team loaded the vans and drove to St. Margaret to minister to the people of Lagoon Road Baptist Church and the surrounding village. The drive was pleasant and we passed many orange groves and the mountains reminded us of home and our family waiting for us to come home. We set up a make-do clinic in the church and people were waiting for us before we arrived. I was so amazed to see the medical students as they worked to set up the clinic. In no time at all, patients began to pass through the clinic. Each family was given a number and took their turn to see Dr. Joe and the team. Soon a bus pulled up to the church filled with people to see the medical team. The church was filled to capacity. While patients were waiting to see the team, Jim and Eva Gott, who came with our team, set up a booth to give away eye glasses they brought with them. One pair of the glasses they gave away were to an elder of the church. He was so happy when he found out he could read his bible once again. An elderly grandmother was amazed at how beautiful her grandchildren were after seeing them through the glasses given to her. At times like this, we all need to count our blessings. I was so proud to watch these medical students work so hard to meet the needs of each of these hurting people. At one point, I was wondering if we would be able to treat each one that came. Late in the evening, Sarah came out to see how many patients we had left and told me that she was very tired. I asked her if we needed to close the clinic down. She smiled at me and said that we would not stop until each one had been seen in the clinic. At that point, I knew that God had chosen each member of this team and that this would be a wonderful week. Late in the day after closing the clinic and everyone was exhausted, on the drive back to the compound, our vans went through a police checkpoint. Frank was driving one van and Dr. Joe was driving the other. We were asked to pull over to the side of the road. Frank and Dr. Joe got out of the vans and Dr. Joe was asked to treat one of the officers who had a rash on the side of his face. What a wonderful day we had. Each of us had a great nights sleep and are ready to start a new day in the clinic this morning at Uriah Compound. The team is well and doing great. Hearts are tender and God is doing great things through His team. Please ask God for strength for us when you pray. God Bless.

Posted By:UVA-WISE Medical Team

Date and Time Posted: Monday March 9, 2009 - 1:01:01 am

Everyone was up early this morning for a busy day. We started the day with a wonderful breakfast of fry jacks, refried beans,eggs, pineapple,and bacon. After breakfast the team loaded up into two vans and drove South on the Hummingbird highway to Lagoon Road Baptist Church. We had a wonderful service and Frank Waldo brought the Message from Psalms 52. After the service, the team handed out beans and rice to the people and many hearts were touched. Each of us were touched by the people we met and the hand of God upon our lives. We came back to the Uriah Compound for lunch, and spent the afternoon in the clinic preparing for our work next week. After our evening meal, we attended church services here at Faith Baptist. Layton Bentley brought the message and we had one lady that received Christ as her saviour and several rededications. Tomorrow, our team will return to Lagoon Road and provide medical service to the people in the village in that area. We will set up in the church and provide medical and spiritual help to the people. We are so tired at night that we just fall into bed. The nights are cool enough that we need blankets to sleep and the days are around 80 degrees. All the team are well and happy and the Lord is bringing us close together as a team. No one has ever complained about anything and we are growing in God's grace. Surely the Lord is watching over each of us. Please keep us in your prayers.

Posted By:The Team

Date and Time Posted: Saturday March 7, 2009 - 11:35:24 pm

Saturday, March 7. The day started early. The UVA-WISE Medical team met at 5:00 am at Tri City airport for an early 7:00 am flight to Atlanta. After arriving in Atlanta, we ate breakfast at the airport and waited for our 11:00 am flight to Belize City. Our flight to Belize was a three hour flight and was a very good flight. We had no problems getting the medications through customs and the Body N Soul bus picked up the team and brought us to the Uriah Compound in Roaring Creek, Belize. On the way to the Compound, we stopped at a place called Cheers for lunch. Everyone enjoyed that. After lunch, we came to the Uriah Compound and unloaded the bus and began to settle in for a wonderful week here at the Uriah Compound. Yvette prepared sandwiches for a late meal and we received a visit from Delbert and Hazel Rhaburn. Delbert is the Pastor of Faith Baptist church here on the Compound. We then prepared about 100 bags of beans and rice to distribute at Lagoon Road Baptist Church tomorrow. Everyone was so tired after a long day and began to call it a night. We have a busy day tomorrow so I will write more then God Bless....

Posted By:Layton

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