Daily Narrative from the Belize Mission Group | |
Date and Time Posted: Saturday August 16, 2008 - 8:03:33 am This will be the last blog for the Heritage Baptist mission team. Our plane departs at 12:15pm, with our arrival in Tri-Cities at 7:27pm. We have a 1-hour layover in Charlotte, NC which does not allow a lot of time for 13 people to get through U.S. Customs & Immigration. Please pray we will have SPEEDY and uneventful travel. Let us say that we appreciate every one of you that have continued in mission with us by praying and encouraging us. Only heaven knows what mountains you have moved! We love you and will see you this evening! Goodbye from Belize. Don't forget to look at the child sponsorship page on www.darthulachurch.com. Posted By:Teen Team | |
Date and Time Posted: Friday August 15, 2008 - 8:25:25 am Reflections from the Team:
DWIGHT BROWDER: God knows what we need in the hour we need. He thanks God for the kids and everything.
HOPE GUY: Thankful for being on the team. Appreciates wonderful love and fellowship. Please be mindful of the child sponsorship program. Great need for sponsors!
WAYNE SMITH III (aka Doodle): Loves us all - had fun and it was a good experience. This is my first mission trip - it was eye-opening and heart-touching.
DARLENE WELLS: Glad I came All the kids are special. The feeding outreach was good - the people bring me to tears. "Things" aren't everything.
JERRY MCMURRAY: God has given us a soft heart. Crying is good - it shows you care. Some of the Belizean people have the most precious gift in the world - Jesus. This has been a wonderful trip.
TOM HOLTSCLAW: Never been with a kinder & thoughtful team. Thankful to be on this mission trip. Been a great time. Garrett has been a wonderful help. Great to reunite with Ralph & Penny. He is the oe that has benefited from this trip. Been a wonderful life experience. Prayed for Frank everyday - with Larry being unable to come, a lot of responsibility fell on his shoulders, and he carried it effortlessly.
RANDY CLEEK: Glad he got to come on this trip. Saturday and Sunday, we got used to being away from home. Monday thru Wednesday, we were excited about seeing the kids and Thursday to now, we're excited about going home. I've taken pictures of almost every kid and I love them all. Uriah Compound's sign reads "A place to advance, not retreat" and this is a good one. It breaks my heart to know some of the kids aren't sponsored. The Lord touched the hearts of these and He'll do a marvelous work in them.
WAYNE PHILLIPS: This trip has helped me get closer to the Lord. A young man asked him, "How has Jesus changed your life?" I'm glad I got to come.
TERESA WEST: I thank all the puppeteers - always willing and never complained. They suffered through "puppet cramp." The kids loved the song in rap style, "When the Roll is Called Up Yonder" - they sang it throughout the day so you know it will stay with them. I know we will see them up yonder.
MICHELLE COLLIER: This has been a blessed week. I'm blessed to get to come with my Dad, son and nephew. I love each one of the team members. The kids really blessed me as I heard them sing while I was doing the puppets. I thank Ralph for letting us come. Also thanked Brian Morales for interpreting for us on the feeding outreach.
RALPH DIGMAN: This is one of the sweetest teams. It's rubbed off and I've not been grumpy. It has been a please to meet the team members I didn't know. I'm real proud of each of you. Also very proud of Joel and Damaris.
WAYNE SMITH: I've been on several mission trips, and many with some of the people on this trip. Always good to tell someone about Jesus Christ. I want my life to show more of Jesus Christ. I don't know how to praise Him enough Thankful for this opportunity. My greatest desire is to lift up Jesus, because He is worthy. I cannot leave before I do one thing . . . (he went to his daughter and 2 grandsons and hugged them tight, telling them he was proud of them).
JANE TUCKER: I wouldn't have missed this for nothing - it's wonderful! This trip was wonderful. Loved going to the village this evening for the food distribution. I desire your prayers for my family. I thank God for saving me and giving me this opportunity to come. I had a brain tumor 3 years ago and it spurred her to "go" for Jesus. The needs of the children here are great. I love you all and I love the Lord.
TRAVIS SALYERS: I was in charge of recreation and many times I thought, "If the kids would just listen to me, they would have so much fun." Then as I reflected, this is the way God is. If we would listen to Him and not go our own way, we would be blessed. If you want to be a muscle man, you have to work out. If you want to be a strong Christian, you exercise your spiritual life. It's been a good week. I love each one of you. I'm glad I'm saved.
KECIA SALYERS: It has been a wonderful week - lots of kids and energy. The team has worked together as one body, and the Lord has accomplished much - 12 salvations! I'm thankful for each person God brought here and thank the Lord for His goodness.
FRANK WALDO: Ten years ago, God movedon my heart to go to the mission field. I have thoroughly enjoyed it - this has been one of the sweetest teams. It is a pleasure to see new ones on mission trips because it keeps the needs fresh and keeps in me a tender heart. Everybody worked hard and is making a difference in other's lives. Joel went above & beyond this week and I appreciate him.
JOEL RICHARDSON: Thanked the team. He loves these youth - he's with them most of the time. He appreciates all the love and hard work the team has put in. Appreciates Hope & Jane for their involvment in the sponsorship program. They're a real help to Damaris. Posted By:Teen Team | |
Date and Time Posted: Friday August 15, 2008 - 12:57:51 am What a joyful week! Today was our last day of camp and we had a total of 12 people saved. Praise the Great Lord of All! This was our biggest day with 55 children attending, 11 of them being new. Today's lesson was in Knowing and Growing in God (the 6-8 year olds studied Walking with Jesus). Four children were saved at our closing invitation - Tommy Holtsclaw spoke on God, Frank Waldo spoke about Jesus and Randy Cleek spoke on the Holy Spirit, and His tugging on your heart. We wish all of you could have been here, but we know you were in prayer. In the afternoon, we went out for food distribution at Longbank Road and Riviera communities. It's different going out into where the people actually live, as opposed to having them come onto the compound. We get to see their meager living conditions - rundown shanties with dirt floors and cardboard mattresses that we would not house our animals in, much less our families - and we feel ashamed at our abundance and how we take it for granted. We went to see the elderly widow, Josefina, that so many of you know. She is well and continuing to praise the Lord. She loves the stovetop hood made for her and the roof. Her countenance was one of joy and love. After we returned, we held a team meeting and got to share those special God moments. He has met the needs of these kids and the team more abundantly than we could ever imagine. Larry, you have been sorely missed but we know God's will and ways are perfect. You've been prayed for every day. I'm so reminded that it is when we are tried and purified that we can be of greatest use to God. He sensitizes us to those in need, so we can be ministers of the Gospel. Thank you for faithfully lifting this camp, the children and the team in prayer. Body & Soul Ministries has a sponsorship program for the children of this area and they need your help. School starts September 1 and it costs $225 to sponsor 1 child for an entire year. If you're interested in helping, please see the website for Darthula Church, Child Sponsorship link. FUNDING IS NEEDED BADLY THIS YEAR! God bless each one of you as you continue to intercede for the least of these. We love you. Posted By:Teen Team | |
Date and Time Posted: Thursday August 14, 2008 - 8:28:09 am Good Morning to All,
We had a most marvelous day Wednesday. We had 43 children and they were full of life and energy! Our lesson was on the Holy Spirit (the youngest class was on The Lost Sheep), with the emphasis that Jesus will guide us in our lives if we give Him the lead. The young children went on a "sheep hunt" looking for the lost sheep, even imitating their sound to see if the sheep would respond. And we found Him, safe and sound with the shepherd. Even though we weren't expecting 6-8 year olds, they have truly been a blessing and a source of exuberant energy. We even had a special guest during the puppets, and just when we all thought he was gone, in walked "Elvis" with his own version of "Don't be a Fool" and "Since Jesus Saved Me, I Found A New Place to Dwell!" (Please see the pictures.) He was a huge hit, especially with the cooks Evette and Teresita. We ended the day with an invitation given by Frank Waldo and we had 5 people who said they were interested in salvation, and 2 of them came forward. Darren Myers(13) received Christ as his Savior and Jassiem Bush(9)was feeling the work of the Holy Spirit but he said he had never sinned. Please pray for both these young men as they continue on their journey with Jesus. We went to the Lagoon Baptist Church for evening worship, with the puppet team performing 3 songs. There were numerous children there, and all enjoyed. Tom Holtsclaw brought the message on "Jesus, The Way" from John 14:1-6 which ministered to all of us. We gave out treats after the service and had a great time blessing others. Today is our last day of camp, so pray for the Holy Spirit to jump from one to the other to the other and there will be a harvest of souls. Amen. Posted By:Teen Team | |
Date and Time Posted: Wednesday August 13, 2008 - 8:41:42 am It was a beautiful day - a day to rejoice and be glad. We had 40 children attend camp ranging from age 6 to 15. Eighteen of the children were age 10 and below. Not exactly what we planned, but God sent who He wanted here. Their lesson was about JESUS - His humanity but also His deity. Randy Cleek gave the invitation at the end of the day and one young lady named Dalia gave her heart to Christ. Praise the Lord! Her heart was obviously being moved by the Holy Spirit as she went forward to talk with Frank Waldo. At supper, we celebrated Randy Cleek's 44th birthday - he even had cake and presents. The greatest gift was the salvation received by Dalia. We attended the Spanish church service last night (yes, on a Tuesday night)and had a wonderful time. There is something about being in a service of a different language, and all experiencing the same Holy Spirit blending us as one. Every tongue knows "Jesus Loves Me" and we sing it because its true. Continue to pray - we expect more children today and we want to fulfill God's perfect will. Posted By:Teen Team | |
Date and Time Posted: Monday August 11, 2008 - 7:53:10 pm Hallelujah! We began our first day of camp with excitement and prayer. The camp started at 9:30, with 7 children registered. We gathered in the church, and by 10:00, ad had 22 kids. The kids participated in music, Bible class, recreation, hot dogs for lunch, enjoyed the puppets and were allowed to become puppeteers themselves. We ended with crafts and an invitation to receive Christ led by Brother Tom Holtsclaw. We had SIX children receive Christ. Praise the Lord for His indescribable gifts! Our lesson today was on God, who He is (the great I AM and Father), and the Gift He wants all to receive. We as a team are so grateful that God has allowed us to be a part of His great work, and allow us to be a part of His harvest. Our team has blended well as one body and is working together for His glory. Continue to pray for us as we make adjustments each day to better serve the needs of these children. Posted By:Teen Team | |
It is currently 2:21 pm on Thursday January 23rd on the Darthula Baptist Church Web Server
Darthula Baptist Church 1741 Lunsford Mill Rd Hiltons, VA 24258 (423) 361-1008