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Messages To Belize Team

Date and Time Posted: Friday May 3, 2013 - 4:01:23 am

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Date and Time Posted: Friday April 5, 2013 - 9:32:09 pm

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Posted By:sjBJWMnTLtqCzy

Date and Time Posted: Saturday June 6, 2009 - 1:51:54 pm

J.B and Jerry, hope you all are well. Had good turn out for cookout Friday night and hayride. Junior, Tammy, Isiaha and Britt came put he wouldn't go on hay ride but he said he saw you on the computer. Can't wait for you all to come back and let us know. Layton and Randy good job too. Rhonda

Posted By:Rhonda

Date and Time Posted: Saturday June 6, 2009 - 7:41:18 am

Good morning, David, Enjoyed the pictures of the completed church. God is good. Hope you have a good day and get some rest before heading home. I will talk to you tonight. I'm going to Caroline's t-ball game. I love you and miss you. Janet

Posted By:Janet Hill

Date and Time Posted: Friday June 5, 2009 - 10:10:03 pm

Hey dad (Layton)! The pictures of the church look great! Can't wait to hear about all the details when you get home. You sure can tell that everyone has worked really hard. I'm sure the dedication service was really special. We love you and miss you!

Posted By:Rebecca Arrington

Date and Time Posted: Friday June 5, 2009 - 12:34:10 pm

WOW...It is awesome to see the work on the new Uriah baptist church...What a blessing that church will be to so many!! We are praying for a safe trip home for the team.

Posted By:Vance Egan

Date and Time Posted: Friday June 5, 2009 - 7:41:09 am

Darby, I hope you are doing great. I miss and love you very much. Can't wait til Sunday to see you.

Posted By:Melisa Killen

Date and Time Posted: Thursday June 4, 2009 - 11:08:22 pm

Hey Dad (Larry)!! Just unwinding from Bible school tonight. We had 8 in all saved this week. I hope you enjoy your last full day in Belize and today was a success and was able to finish up the building. It sounds like you all have worked hard. We love you and miss you and are praying for your safe return. Too bad for mom that it has been VBS week for both Angie and I and we haven't been able to visit at all with having to be at church each night. Take care and hope to see you soon. Avery and Alyson send their love and Lee too.

Posted By:Amy Culbertson

Date and Time Posted: Thursday June 4, 2009 - 10:38:30 pm

Hi Jimmy, I have been very busy today. I spent some time this evening with Nancy and her girls. I miss you and love you. Have a great day tomorow and saturday. All my love, Charlene

Posted By:Charlene

Date and Time Posted: Thursday June 4, 2009 - 10:27:35 pm

Hi Dad (Harold), I bet it's amazing to see the progress on the church. Hope everyone on the team is healthy and whole and that there have been no injuries. Mom really misses you and would love to have a message. Good luck with finishing the work.

Posted By:Anita Wright

Date and Time Posted: Thursday June 4, 2009 - 8:44:37 pm

Hi, David, Hope your day went well. Did You finish the church today? Cennea, Sandra and I went to Caroline's T-ball game. I love you and miss you. Janet

Posted By:Janet Hill

Date and Time Posted: Thursday June 4, 2009 - 6:32:19 pm

Larry, I don't know what happened to the last message but I will try again. Rick Miller was confirming for Larry Crawford so everything is on for Sunday night. Carol Lane is asking special prayer for Laura. She got bitten by a snake. Because they did not know what kind of snake it was the hospital would not give her anything for venom. Because of the delay in treatment she now is hispitalized with some major problems. Brenda

Posted By:Brenda Browder

Date and Time Posted: Thursday June 4, 2009 - 6:21:19 pm

Posted By:Larry, Just figured out what happened. Rick Miller did not m

Date and Time Posted: Thursday June 4, 2009 - 6:05:05 pm

Hello Larry, I hope this leaves you well and looking forward to the actrivities tomorrow and also glad it is uour last day. I know you all have done your best and have done so much work in such a short while. There has been two calls from the Gideons saying they have an appointment at church on Sunday. Rick Miller sent an email that said he has an appointment on Sunday morning. This afternoon I got a message on voice mail from Larry Crawford saying he would be there on Sunday night. Tell me what is going on. Do I need to call Rick Miller back or were they coming together? I love you and will see you Saturday night. Love, Brenda

Posted By:Brenda Browder

Date and Time Posted: Thursday June 4, 2009 - 5:23:30 pm

Hey There! Just thought we would let you know that Dalton and JT won ther semi finals of doubles today 6-1 6-1. You would have been really proud. Dalton made some pretty awesome shots. We miss you and hope the progress on the church is doing good. The pictures are great. Will send more messages later. Mom sends her love and misses you lots and lots and lots. Still counting the days till you get home the house is too quiet. Mom wants to know who is the photographer for the team.

Posted By:Lori Moore and Marie Snodgrass

Date and Time Posted: Thursday June 4, 2009 - 7:16:20 am

Hey Guys, Thanks for faithfulness. Just wanted to let you know that the "Encouragers" sunday School Class" at FBCGC is praying for you daily. We send our love in Jesus. May god bless you and comfort you in all that you do. Here's a special "Shout out to Dave and Stuart. May God bless all of you abundantly.

Posted By:Lee Keller

Date and Time Posted: Wednesday June 3, 2009 - 10:32:24 pm

Hey papaw we miss you nd we hope everything goes good down there. We love you!

Posted By:Michala and Mackenzie

Date and Time Posted: Wednesday June 3, 2009 - 10:07:06 pm

Hope everything is going well. We think of you often and pray for you and the team daily. Mom went to Dalton's graduation tonight. The tennis team left tonight to go to Radford as Dalton has to play on both Thursday and Friday. If he wins then he has to play on Saturday too. That mean he would be playing for state again. Mom said she was counting the days till you come back home. God bless you and the team, Daddy.

Posted By:Anita Wright

Date and Time Posted: Wednesday June 3, 2009 - 5:28:26 pm

To Grandad (Layton), this week I fell in Jeff's pond and I scraped my back. I had awards day at school. I got a medal and three certificates and that is it. Granny is doing good. How are you doing there? How is the weather doing there? I miss you Grandad. I love you Grandad. Love, Sam

Posted By:Sam Fischer

Date and Time Posted: Wednesday June 3, 2009 - 2:55:28 pm

David, Everyone seems to really be enjoying God's work. Hope the heat is not too bad and everyone gets plenty of rest. The church is looking great! I love you and miss you very much. Janet

Posted By:Janet Hill

Date and Time Posted: Wednesday June 3, 2009 - 1:47:26 pm

Hope you all are staying cool. It is hot here too. Hope everything is going good can't wait to hear from you guys. Love you all, Rhonda

Posted By:Rhonda

Date and Time Posted: Wednesday June 3, 2009 - 1:43:49 pm

Layton, We all found our scriptures. Good news yesterday--Tucker does not have cancer!! Thank you for all your prayers--keep praying for a good diagnosis that can be treated. Dale and Teresa

Posted By:Dale and Teresa Jett

Date and Time Posted: Wednesday June 3, 2009 - 11:26:15 am

Looks like the team is working very hard and getting a lot done. It sure is a blessing to be able to see the work as it progresses. I know you are all working hard but I hope you are enjoying doing the work of the Lord too. May God continue to help and bless each one.

Posted By:Charlene Gose

Date and Time Posted: Wednesday June 3, 2009 - 10:58:23 am

Hey papaw toad (Harold), I've been looking at the pictures of your trip with daddy! It looks like you'll are working hard and enjoying it too! I hope it continues to go well. praying for you! Be safe. Love you! tadpole(Joy)

Posted By:Joy Snodgrass

Date and Time Posted: Wednesday June 3, 2009 - 10:54:24 am

Hey Dad,(Harold)! We've been keeping up with you postings and pictures each day. Glad you've had a safe trip thus far. The folks there look really sweet and like they're blessed to have you all there. The pictures are great! Try to get yourself in a few. Is there any way to add comments to each picture? Looks like you are all doing a great job! God Bless!

Posted By:Rick Snodgrass

Date and Time Posted: Wednesday June 3, 2009 - 9:37:40 am

Good Morning Darby! Wanted to let you know that M.D. from Piney Grove passed away and Cliff from Gray FWB passed away too. Tonya said hi. I will be going to the funeral home tonight to pay my respects. I hope you are doing well and Mossy and I miss and love you very much!!!

Posted By:Melisa Killen

Date and Time Posted: Tuesday June 2, 2009 - 10:17:00 pm

Dad (Layton), you're slacking on the pics and the narratives. Am I gonna have to send Jeff down there? I'm gonna assume you are very busy since you're not writing on the computer much. Hope everything is going smoothly. Popaw got to come home today which he was extremely happy about. Nothing else really going on here at home. I named my new rabbit "Piddle." I know how happy you must be about that (ha ha). We will continue to pray for you and the team. Tell everyone hello. Love ya!

Posted By:Rebecca Arrington

Date and Time Posted: Tuesday June 2, 2009 - 9:51:19 pm

Dad (Harold), I talked with Mom tonight and she said to let you know that she REALLY misses you. The house is way too quiet. She wanted to reassure you that she has watered your flowers and the garden and that everything looks great. She asked that I let the team know that she prays for you all several times a day and that she hopes everyone stays well and safe and that you all get lots accomplished. Watch out for more spiders!

Posted By:Anita Wright

Date and Time Posted: Tuesday June 2, 2009 - 3:37:30 pm

Papaw Wayne, We are thinking of you! We pray for you, your team, and safety. We are proud of you for sharing God's word with others...... :) We will see you when you return! Love to all!!

Posted By:Jason, Diane, and Judd Kegley

Date and Time Posted: Tuesday June 2, 2009 - 2:10:28 pm

To David Hill and Stuart Williams, two dear brothers in Christ. We are so thankful and so proud that you have yielded to God's call on your lives. We pray for your safety to and from...beautiful weather while there, and that God will use you mightily to touch the lives of more than you can imagine! We love you guys, and may God richly bless you! Can't wait to hear your testimonies when you return!

Posted By:Jeff DeBoard

Date and Time Posted: Tuesday June 2, 2009 - 1:33:44 pm

Hello Stuart and David! We are so proud of you both for following God's direction to Belize. We will continue to pray for you both, the others on your team, and your families while you are away. We pray for God to work through your obedience and keep you safe while you are doing His work. God bless and we can't wait to hear all about it!

Posted By:Ashley and Justin Carter

Date and Time Posted: Tuesday June 2, 2009 - 1:19:03 pm

Hey Darby, Mossy & I miss you very much. Charity said to tell you hi and she seen your picture on the website and her favorite one was the bus picture. LOL!! Your mom and dad wanted me to tell you that they love you. I LOVE YOU and MISS YOU so much!

Posted By:Melisa Killen

Date and Time Posted: Tuesday June 2, 2009 - 12:45:56 pm

Hey Stuart!! Just wanted to send you a note telling you we miss you. I know God is using you to build His kingdom. Keep safe and talk to you later. The kids are really missing their dad - especially Audrey. Love you and keep safe :))

Posted By:Rhonda Williams

Date and Time Posted: Tuesday June 2, 2009 - 12:03:34 pm

To all the team, but especially Stuart and Dave - I am praying that God is doing a mighty work through you AND in you as you serve Him by serving His people. I pray that He gives you strength and energy to finish your physical tasks, that He keeps you safe from injury and illness and that He gives you opportunities to share His love with the people of Belize. Can't wait to hear of the great things He is doing! Many blessings!

Posted By:Kim Jenkins

Date and Time Posted: Monday June 1, 2009 - 11:38:41 pm

Just wanted to drop in and say hey. I guess I feel the same as Michelle, except i've missed everyone since i left back in August. Hope everything goes well and I'm sure God has much in store for you all.

Posted By:Doodle

Date and Time Posted: Monday June 1, 2009 - 10:36:08 pm

Hi Dad (Harold), Greetings from California! Hope the day went well for the team and that you have made great progress. We are thinking of you and praying for you all daily. God bless you all!

Posted By:Anita Wright

Date and Time Posted: Monday June 1, 2009 - 9:58:18 pm

Hey Dad (Larry)! Glad you all made it safe and sound. I trust you are having a good week. I am just home from VBS. We have had a great week so far and even had 2 saved last night. I hear you all some saved on Sunday as well. Alyson says hi and wants to know what you are doing. Avery says Hi Papaw, please come home. Lee just says hurry home. Mom seems to be doing well. I am sure she misses you though. We miss you as well. Love and prayers - The Culbertsons

Posted By:Amy Culbertson

Date and Time Posted: Monday June 1, 2009 - 9:41:48 pm

I really enjoyed looking at all the pictures,the progress on the church and the beautiful blue sky. I also read all the messages posted for the past 2 years. These people are very dedicated and you are with a great group of missionaries. Take good care of yourself and the team. Enjoy the delicious food they all talk about. I am so proud of you for being obedient to God's call on your heart to go on this trip.

Posted By:Marie Snodgrass

Date and Time Posted: Monday June 1, 2009 - 9:35:38 pm

Hey Dad, Looks like God is truly blessing the team on this trip. Enjoy your time there and keep building not just the structures but those relationships and opportunities He sends your way. Thinking of you and praying for your safety. Love you bunches!!!

Posted By:Lori Moore

Date and Time Posted: Monday June 1, 2009 - 9:30:53 pm

You are in the prayers of HUMC. Have a prosperous week. Will

Posted By:Pastor Will

Date and Time Posted: Monday June 1, 2009 - 9:20:41 pm

Dear friends, I'm glad you had a safe trip and all is going well. I have been and will continue to pray for all of you this week. I'm getting anxious to go there in August. God bless you all! Judy

Posted By:Judy Vicars

Date and Time Posted: Monday June 1, 2009 - 8:17:37 pm


Posted By:JAKE

Date and Time Posted: Monday June 1, 2009 - 4:22:38 pm

Hi David, I didn't read your message until today. Hope you had a blessed Sunday. Each day I pray for you and your group. Do you have any candy left? I love you and miss you. Janet

Posted By:Janet Hill

Date and Time Posted: Monday June 1, 2009 - 1:47:17 pm

Hi Papaw Wayne! We wanted to let you we are praying for you and the group. We are so proud of you! Enjoy your trip and be safe. Talk to you soon. We love you.

Posted By:Jeff, La Costa & Caden

Date and Time Posted: Monday June 1, 2009 - 11:09:15 am

Hi Daddy! Me and Mommy LOVE and MISS you very much. Mommy seen your picture on the website and said they need to get more of your face instead of your back side. LOL!!!! Don't come back with a red head. Now, seriously we are praying for your safety and I hope GOD blesses you so much. I love you and miss you so much! Tell, Larry hi!!!!

Posted By:Mossy Killen

Date and Time Posted: Monday June 1, 2009 - 9:39:40 am

Harold, Just taking a minute while I'm at work to look up the site and leave you a message. We hope you're enjoying the trip and we're praying for you and the group there. Tonight Jake's going to look at the pictures and leave you a message. We love you! Scott, Bethany, Cate and Jake

Posted By:Bethany

Date and Time Posted: Monday June 1, 2009 - 9:11:26 am

Hi Dad! So glad you all had a safe trip down and that your week is off to a wonderful start. The church already looks beautiful!! Sure wish we were back there with you. Makes me homesick just seeing the pictures! :-) Everyone here is well -- Popaw had a wonderful day yesterday! Sam can't wait to post you a message and tell you all about falling in Jeff and Becca's pond. :-) Catch you later! Love you! Jessica

Posted By:Jessica Fischer

Date and Time Posted: Sunday May 31, 2009 - 11:59:47 pm

In case any nascar fans in Belize are interested, Jimmie Johnson won at Dover today!!!!

Posted By:Earnhardt Jr fan

Date and Time Posted: Sunday May 31, 2009 - 11:33:31 pm

Dad,(Larry) Glad to see that you made it safe and sound. I pray this week that God will bless the team and give you many opportunities to share the gospel. Take care don't get to much sun. Love you.

Posted By:Angie Baker

Date and Time Posted: Sunday May 31, 2009 - 10:30:51 pm

Harold Great pictures Really do miss you.

Posted By:Marie

Date and Time Posted: Sunday May 31, 2009 - 10:12:33 pm

Hey Dad (Harold), Hope the first day went well and that you were able to work in the heat and humidity. Please remember that we're thinking of you and praying for you and the team. God bless you all!

Posted By:Anita Wright

Date and Time Posted: Sunday May 31, 2009 - 9:54:50 pm

Hello Team.....We are praying for you all and the people of Belize.....We know that god is working in Belize through you all....God bless you for your work for the lord....Layton, Sherry is recovering great, better than i did..lol Cant wait to hear about your trip when you get home.

Posted By:Vance Egan

Date and Time Posted: Sunday May 31, 2009 - 9:52:33 pm

Hey Larry, we missed you and Darby at church today. Travis did two great sermons today from the book of Jude. We had 3 lost people today. Travis had a great praise report. His dad got saved 6 weeks ago. He said his mother had prayed for him for more than 40 years. Have a good night tonight and a good day tomorrow. I love you and good night. Brenda

Posted By:Brenda Browder

Date and Time Posted: Sunday May 31, 2009 - 9:23:26 pm

Wayne, Just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you and wanted to make sure everything was okay. I enjoy looking at the pictures! Love you and will be praying for you all. Frankie Smith

Posted By:Frankie Smith

Date and Time Posted: Sunday May 31, 2009 - 9:18:21 pm

Hey dad, Wayne Smith, just wanted to let you know you are in my thoughts and prayers! So sorry the boys and I missed seeing you off. I intended to come and it slipped my mind. I am very sorry but if all goes well, we'll be there to see you in. Seeing the pictures makes me home sick to be back there!!! TEll Brian Garrett and I say hello and send our love, cant believe how much he's grown. Tell Larry and everyone one else we send our love as well. We wish we were there with you guys!! Love and prayers, Michelle

Posted By:Michelle Collier

Date and Time Posted: Sunday May 31, 2009 - 9:08:02 pm

Hey Papaw!! We are glad that you all made it down there okay! We love you and miss you! We are praying for you all! Caroline has been asking about Papaw on his mission trip! Henry misses you too!! We love you.

Posted By:Kevin, Ashley, Caroline, and Henry Hill

Date and Time Posted: Sunday May 31, 2009 - 5:08:02 pm

It was great to see the pictures ,Tell Randy,J.B. and Jerry Hi and we are praying for them and everyone on this mission trip. Keep up the good work and keep the pictures coming. Wish we could be with you,but we can pray for you.Be safe and go with God. Fred and Louise

Posted By:Fred & Louise Robinette

Date and Time Posted: Sunday May 31, 2009 - 4:35:57 pm

Glad to hear everyone is accounted for (Yvette). We have made headlines in the Kingsport Times News in the Living Section there is a huge articel on Body and Soul, Dr Smiddy, last year's trip and the one you all are on and ones to come. I was so excited. Junior and Randy praying for you today. Hope to hear from you all soon. Rhonda and Jasmine Parks

Posted By:Rhonda

Date and Time Posted: Sunday May 31, 2009 - 3:23:50 pm

Hi dad (Jimmy) I just wanted you to know that we miss you and are praying for you and the crew. Have you seen Charles Pop yet? Justine thinks his big smile reminds her of you. I am at your house right now. Man, is it quiet! Ha Ha I hope that Layton is keeping an eye on you. Just kidding :o) You are a blessing to me everyday and I know that you will bless everyone you meet with your servant's heart. Take care and by the way... I love you a whole lot ...a whole lot... and a little bit more.

Posted By:Crystal (Gose) McConnell

Date and Time Posted: Sunday May 31, 2009 - 3:06:50 pm

Hi, Jimmy I enjoyed the pictures. Crystal and I looked at them together. I went to all church services today. Have a great week. Love you, Charlene

Posted By:Charlene Gose

Date and Time Posted: Sunday May 31, 2009 - 12:57:53 pm

hi Layton, I just found out this morning that you and Randall were in Belize. Have a good time in the lord.Tell the people down there they are in our prayers. love your sister, Mary

Posted By:Mary Powers

Date and Time Posted: Sunday May 31, 2009 - 1:38:00 am

Glad to see you all made it OK. Perry and I have been praying for this team. I know that God has great things planned for this church and this team! Pace yourselves - remember it gets hot and you are a year older (ha!) Jr. - I am saving that Diet Coke for tomorrow.

Posted By:Cindy King

Date and Time Posted: Saturday May 30, 2009 - 10:47:10 pm

Hi Daddy (Harold), I'm so glad you and the group have arrived safely. I talked with Mom tonight and we pulled up the website and read all of the messages. Mom wanted me to let you know that your niece Tracy said she was interested in sponsoring a child. Good luck tomorrow! We all love you! Anita

Posted By:Anita Wright

Date and Time Posted: Saturday May 30, 2009 - 8:55:36 pm

It was a blessed day in Belize. The team arrived safely, and we were filled with the spirit when we went to the construction site. As I told Randall, I feel energized and ready to start. We're having a late dinner this evening, followed by devotions. God is going to bless this team this week. Pray for us that we accomplish great things for God in the coming days!

Posted By:Jerry McMurray

Date and Time Posted: Saturday May 30, 2009 - 8:51:33 pm

Hi Marie, we had aa good trip down, tiring but we have a great group and the locals are really sweet people. I will wridte every night so check the latest messages from Belize. Love you, Harold

Posted By:Harold

Date and Time Posted: Saturday May 30, 2009 - 8:51:32 pm

Hi Marie, we had aa good trip down, tiring but we have a great group and the locals are really sweet people. I will wridte every night so check the latest messages from Belize. Love you, Harold

Posted By:Harold

Date and Time Posted: Saturday May 30, 2009 - 7:45:35 pm

Hi Jimmy Hope you all arrived safely. I am looking forward to seeing pictures and messages. Love You, Charlene

Posted By:Charlene G

Date and Time Posted: Saturday May 30, 2009 - 5:48:49 pm

To Larry, Darby, and all the team. I am waiting to hear you all had a safe trip. I am praying for the services you will have this week as well as for all the churches you have left behind especially you pastors. Don't work too hard nor too long in the sun. Larry I love you and miss you already. Bye for now Brenda

Posted By:Brenda Browder

Date and Time Posted: Saturday May 30, 2009 - 4:28:06 pm

Larry & Darby, I guess you've made it by now. I hope you are getting settled in. Mossy and I love you both very much and have a wonderful time. We miss you!!!

Posted By:Melisa Killen

Date and Time Posted: Saturday May 30, 2009 - 8:20:58 am

Well I guess you all are on your way. I am at work wishing I was with you. Jr. have a blessed week I know you are fired up keep us posted. Love you all, Rhonda and Jasmine Parks

Posted By:Rhonda

Date and Time Posted: Tuesday May 26, 2009 - 7:38:52 am

It is truly amazing to me how God has broght 20 people from 13 different churches together for this special project. I am looking forward to seeing what God has in store for us as we prepare to depart and do something very speacial -build a house of worship! My prayer is that God will use each member of this team in a very special way and give us many souls for the kingdom. I thank God for each of you and your willingness to answer the call on your life to be a part of this team. I look forward to seeing each of you tonight at our last meeting together before departing.

Posted By:Larry Browder

Date and Time Posted: Monday May 25, 2009 - 5:28:16 pm

I am looking forward to our meeting tomorrow night at Heritage. Just four more days and we will be off to Belize. I can already feel the presence and touch of the Lord on this mission and believe that each of us will experience things that we will remember all the days of our lives. I am so proud of each of you that have stepped up to the high calling of the Lord for this mission. This mission is special, and one day I believe the Lord will let us see how He has used each of us to put this work together. God Bless and God Speed..........

Posted By:Layton

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