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Messages From Belize Team To Home

Date and Time Posted: Friday April 19, 2013 - 6:01:39 pm

Hi Lorenzo, My name is Bobby and I’m in the 4th grade. Some days I just don’t want to go to school bsceuae the bigger kids make fun of me bsceuae I don’t wear brand name clothes. My mom works two jobs and I know she does the best she can for my sister and me but she has to buy our clothes at the thrift store. We always look clean and neat but I don’t want my mom to know about this as it will make her feel bad. What do you think I should do? Bobby

Posted By:ZYGLdMjFPOlSloCykna

Date and Time Posted: Thursday June 4, 2009 - 2:57:37 pm

Dale and Teresa --- Thanks for the wonderful news. We all cried when we read the message. God is so good and we will keep praying. Thanks again and God Bless......

Posted By:Layton

Date and Time Posted: Thursday June 4, 2009 - 7:26:20 am

Mackenzie and Michala, Thanks for writing papaw. Mackenzie, you sure would have enjoyed this trip. We have been so blessed with all that the Lord had us to do with the building project and other things mixed in-such as today when we went to Golden Corral in Spanish Lookout for dinner and then on to a delicious ice cream place. Brenda, I will try to call you tomorrow night. Hope you are doing well. Love you much and certainly miss you. It was another good day and you can see as you read the narrative. We plan to finish the church tomorrow, have church with the Spanish speaking folks tomorrow night, go to Laminai on Friday and then the dedication service on Friday night. Amy, tell the family hello for me and give Alyson and Avery a hug and kiss for me. Hope to see you over the weekend. Love you all.

Posted By:Larry Browder

Date and Time Posted: Thursday June 4, 2009 - 12:58:40 am

Charlene, God is truely in the work we are doing here. It is hot but the Lord is sending cool breezes when we really need one. I miss and love you very much. I know now that God sent me on this team for a reason. I have been blessed beyond belief. The presence of the Lord is everywhere we go. We had seventeen young people saved in church tonight. Keep the prayers coming.......

Posted By:Jimmy Gose

Date and Time Posted: Thursday June 4, 2009 - 12:23:37 am

Mackenzie and Michala, Thanks for writing papaw. Mackenzie, you sure would have enjoyed this trip. We have been so blessed with all that the Lord had us to do with the building project and other things mixed in-such as today when we went to Golden Corral in Spanish Lookout for dinner and then on to a delicious ice cream place. Brenda, I will try to call you tomorrow night. Hope you are doing well. Love you much and certainly miss you. It was another good day and you can see as you read the narrative. We plan to finish the church tomorrow, have church with the Spanish speaking folks tomorrow night, go to Laminai on Friday and then the dedication service on Friday night. Amy, tell the family hello for me and give Alyson and Avery a hug and kiss for me. Hope to see you over the weekend. Love you all.

Posted By:Larry Browder

Date and Time Posted: Wednesday June 3, 2009 - 11:39:51 pm

Hello Janet, it has been a long hot day here but we got a lot done on the church.Most of the work left is on the inside and the windows.I love you and miss you. Dave

Posted By:DavidHill

Date and Time Posted: Wednesday June 3, 2009 - 10:55:04 pm

Posted By:d d

Date and Time Posted: Wednesday June 3, 2009 - 10:47:14 pm

Posted By:dd

Date and Time Posted: Wednesday June 3, 2009 - 11:17:04 am

To Rebecca--- I sure hope I do not have to be the one to build a cage for your new Rabbit. Who does it look like, you or Jeff. God Bless.

Posted By:Layton

Date and Time Posted: Tuesday June 2, 2009 - 10:19:27 am

Greetings to everyone! Yesterday was a great day working on the Uriah church. Our day began at 4 AM because we wanted to beat the heat. We were able to get about 2/3 of the trusses on the building. God was good to us with an overcast day for the most part. We stayed on the work site til 6:30. Amy, tell Alyson and Avery that Papaw said hello. Good to hear from you and thanks for the good news of people accepting the Lord during VBS. Angie, thanks for dropping a note and good to hear from you all. I hope Mackenzie had a good day at football camp. I love all of you and just keep praying that God will give us the strength to finish the job here. Brenda, hope all is well. Miss you a lot. I'll try to call you tonight if at all possible. I am writing now while we are having breakfast.Love you dearly and send me another note to let me know how things are going.

Posted By:Larry Browder

Date and Time Posted: Monday June 1, 2009 - 10:56:11 pm

Good evening Janet,Kevin,Ashley,Caroline,Henry. Its been a busy day and a very good day, we had a little rain but we still got a lot done. I love you all very much and miss you.

Posted By:David Hill

Date and Time Posted: Monday June 1, 2009 - 9:34:42 pm

It's been another great day in Belize for the team. We did get started just after 5:00 a.m., and worked until 6:15 p.m., with only a break for lunch. We got the rafters installed for the church and started on the parsonage, but were slowed due to the changes we had to make in the some of the rafters. We have seven more to build and put up, and then we will be ready to install the sheet roofing material. We were to have a dedication for the church on Friday, but we may move it up to Thursday. We still have the roofing, windows, and painting, as a minimum, to do before the dedication. Continue to pray for the team as we're doing our best to glorify God in all that we do.

Posted By:Jerry McMurray

Date and Time Posted: Monday June 1, 2009 - 12:24:24 am

It is Sunday night and what a wonderful day we have had. Randall preached at Lagoon Road this morning and Junior preached here at Faith Baptist tonight. God truely had his hand on each of them as they preached under the anointing of the Spirit. We had souls saved, lives rededicated, and people coming forward for God's touch on their lives. The team is very tired and the heat is taking it's toll on us but our spirit is high. We are going to start on the roof of Uriah in the morning and we want to try to start around 5:00 am before it gets too hot. Please keep us in prayer. God Bless......

Posted By:Layton

Date and Time Posted: Sunday May 31, 2009 - 10:10:18 am

Good morning Janet, it's Sunday morning and we are getting ready to leave for Church.Not a whole lot of activities planned for today except worship. I pray that things are going well with you. I love you and miss you very much. Dave

Posted By:David Hill

Date and Time Posted: Sunday May 31, 2009 - 8:37:15 am

It is Sunday morning and God gave us a good trip down yesterday. Everyone slept good last night and Yvette and Margareta are preparing breakfast as I write this message. We will be leaving for Lagoon Road Baptist after breakfast. It will be about an hour drive South from our compound. All are well and happy. We went to Uriah Baptist Church yesterday after we arrived and faced the East and had special prayer for some of the folks at home. We also had special prayer for Tucker Jett and Judy Derting. The presence of the Lord was truely there. Please keep all of us in your prayers and to God be all the Glory. Keep the messages from home coming. They really help, and also check the pictures we will be sending each night. God Bless....

Posted By:Layton

Date and Time Posted: Saturday May 30, 2009 - 11:34:20 pm

It was a blessed day in Belize. The team arrived safely, and we were filled with the Spirit when we went to the construction site. As I told Randall, I feel energized and ready to start. We had a late dinner this evening, followed by devotions. God is going to bless this team this week. Pray for us that we accomplish great things for God in the coming days!

Posted By:Jerry McMurray

Date and Time Posted: Saturday May 30, 2009 - 9:14:49 pm

It was great to be at Body and Soul compound once again! Had a great trip down, stopping at Cheers on the way and then went on to the Uriah Church where we will be working next week. God's presence was felt as we prayed for some special requests and for God's annointing next week. Everyone is doing fine and we're anxious to see what God has in store. Brenda, got your note. It is 7:10 here meaning it's 9:10 there. Darby and I are doing well. Tell everyone hello for us. Love you dearly. I will try to pace myself. Pray that God will give us a blessed time to worl and evangelize.

Posted By:Larry Browder

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