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Daily Narrative from the Belize Mission Group

Date and Time Posted: Saturday June 6, 2009 - 9:36:34 pm

Friday and Saturday, June 5 and 6 - What an Awesome God we serve!! The week is ending, and we have seen such wonderous miracles happen. Friday morning began with a delicious breakfast. After breakfast, some team members chose to travel to Lamanai to view the Mayan ruins. Although the day was hot and sunny, they were cooled by the boat ride, and were amazed by the views of the ruins (and for some, the view from the top of the ruins). They encountered many of the usual animals - howler monkeys, iguanas, etc. They enjoyed the trip immensely. Many of the team went back to the church to complete the work: finished the painting of the exterior eastern and western walls with primer; installed the lock on the front door; obtained water from the river to allow members of the church's congregation to wash the floors; installed a new exterior light; and installed the sign on the front of the church. These activities took most of the day; it was nearly 5:00 p.m. when these Team members went back to the compound for supper. Though tired, the Team members were full of God's joy in what he had allowed them to accomplish, and that they had been chosen by God to be on this Team. The pulpit, speaker system, three tables, and thirty chairs were moved loaded into the vans, and taken to Uriah for the Dedication service. Many Team members stood outside the church to allow the community to enter the church. Almost all seats in the church were filled, and many were standing outside the church (on both sides, and in the front area, and even across the street!!!) They had been drawn by the music and activities, as well as by the Spirit. As the service progressed, the invitation to accept Christ was given, and three precious souls were saved!!! Uriah's first conversions occurred in the first service of the church - an answer to the Team's prayers!! God is Glorious, and Worthy to be Praised!! After the service, the attendees were fed a meal of rice and beans and chicken. Returning to the compound, devotions were led by Brother Jimmy Gose, followed by testimonies of each Team member as to what the week had meant to them. God's Spirit filled the team as each member poured out our hearts concerning God's grace, mercy, and blessings. Brother Frank Waldo expressed the opinion that in his fourteen years of missions, this Team was the most powerful one that he had seen - not to our glory, but because each member showed a servant's heart - not my will be done, but God's will be done. Saturday morning began with another excellent meal, followed by most of the Team returning to Uriah to install the stud walls for the parsonage. By early afternoon, this job was also complete. The Team members present then circled the altar, and prayed for God's blessings on the Uriah church, pastor, and congregation. To say it was a "special" moment was an understatement - the Holy Spirit's presence was nearly overwhelming. Brother Layon stated that, in his soul, it was God saying that our construction mission was finished, and that He was pleased!!! Tonight we'll have final devotions, and prepare for tomorrow's return. This Team has seen 22 souls come to know the Lord; we have seen several rededications to Christ's service; we have seen many touched by God; we have seen the church Uriah church finished and dedicated to God's service; we have seen a community touched by the presence of a new church; we have seen the first service in that building; we have seen new friendships formed among the Team members, and we have seen God's servants be blessed so many times. We ask that you pray for our safe journey back to our homes, and we ask that you pray for Uriah - that it be a light to Belize for God's glory!!!

Posted By:Jerry McMurray

Date and Time Posted: Friday June 5, 2009 - 8:32:25 am

Thursday June 4 - The dedication of this Team to the work of God is amazing, as shown by the desire of many members to work even late into the night to do what God has impressed on them to do. The Team left the compound early again - 6 a.m. - with the get the roof ridge-cap installed before it became too hot to work on the tin roof. We returned to the camp for breakfast and more supplies, working through the morning with the intent of getting as much done as possible. This work day was the hottest by far, but God's grace was manifested by the appearance of the cool breeze again! By noon, we jokingly had the impression that it an "almost" day - almost done with painting (ran out of interior paint - with one wall done), almost done with the tin (2 pieces and 1 cap remained), almost done with with window installation (didn't have glass to finish front windows), etc. Indeed, several trips were needed to get the materials to finish our jobs, but by early afternoon, we had what we needed and were again diligently progressing on our tasks. When the last Team members left the church at 6:45 p.m., the church interior paint job was finished; the church doors were installed and locked; the windows were all installed; the church had lighting installed (and turned on!!), the church sign was finished for installation Friday morning, and the exterior front (and most of one side) had been primed! A few members had remained at the camp to construct the pulpit stand, and continued to work into the night to finish it. After a great supper, the team had devotions, lead by Brother Wayne Maness. His words touched the hearts of all those present when he discussed what God intends for us to do as his children - there is sorrow in heaven when we miss opportunities to service, and as his children, we must be "Godly men and women in Godly fashion doing what God expects us to do (to serve)." Brother Darrell Fletcher emphasized the point that we are on God's team - not because of our capability, not because He needs our services, but only because of God's bountiful grace and mercy to save us from our sins. Though the Team members were tired, they were filled with God's joy, looking forward to the dedication service on Friday night. The Team asks that you pray with us that God gives us a Spirit-filled dedication service Friday night, and that He uses this new church building to be a blessing to this community.

Posted By:Jerry McMurray

Date and Time Posted: Thursday June 4, 2009 - 12:03:57 am

Wednesday, June 3 - God's blessings continue to be showered on the team in our service to Him. The day began,, as the other two did with the team leaving the camp shortly after 5:00 to get an early start on the roof. The Lord didn't give us the rain and overcast sky (as Monday), but gave us a partly-cloudy day with a cool breezes (like Tuesday). God had answered our prayers for a good day, and much was accomplished in a short time. By mid-morning, the team had finished installing the roof edge boards, spacers, and had installed all of the tin available. As with the previous day, it was just amazing to see all of the team member work together-when just one needed an opinion, a tool, or a hand, there were instantly many offers to assist. It's such a blessing to work with such men of God in building this church. The team went to Spanish Lookout for lunch, ice cream, and to shop at the Belize version of "Walmart." Afterwards, it was back to the church to continue work on installing the windows and finishing the first coat of primer for the church interior. After an excellent dinner, the team attended the night service at Faith Baptist, where Sherrill Dunn delivered a God-inspired message on the meaning of the cross as a "hiding place, a holy place, a horrific place." The response was that several of the youth came forward to dedicate their lives to Christ! The evening finished with team devotions lead by Chuck Trese, with a stirring personal testimony on God's fellowship and his desire to continue to grow in his personal relationship with Christ. As the night ended, the team is looking forward to seeing the blessings of God continue as we try to finish the church for the dedication service Friday night. As we have seen everyday, we expect to see miracles and blessings as we continue our service for our Awesome God!

Posted By:Jerry McMurray

Date and Time Posted: Wednesday June 3, 2009 - 12:09:29 pm

Tuesday June 2 --- Today was another great day of work. Just like Monday, we started work at 5:00 am to get as much done before the heat would set in. The Lord gave us another overcast sky with cool breezes all day long. The work is going extremely well. We got all the rafters set and started on the tin. It is amazing to see how everyone is working together. In the afternoon heat, God sent an ice cream truck down the road playing Pop goes the Weezel. You should have seen Darius Hall running to make sure the truck stopped for us. The ice cream was so good and refreshing. An ordered treat from the Lord. Now that is just GRACE in action. We worked until dark, and Darby gsve our devotions for the night. Needless to say everyone was exhausted and went to bed early. Please keep our team in your prayers. God Bless......

Posted By:Layton

Date and Time Posted: Wednesday June 3, 2009 - 11:57:17 am

Sunday May 31 ---- After an early morning breakfast of fry jack, refried beans, scrambled eggs and fresh fruit, the team went to Lagoon Road Baptist Church. This is a small church in a village called St Margaritas on the Southern Highway about an hour drive from Roaring Creek. The drive is beautiful as we go into the mountain area of Belize and we pass many orange plantations. Randall Roller brought the morning message and surely the Lord anointed the message he brought. A young lady was saved and many came to rededicate their lives to Christ. After the morning service, we drove to Belmopan to a restaurant called Diamonds for lunch. After lunch we came back to the compound and made preparations for our work day on Monday. We also hsd time to just sit, relax, and meditate for our evening service at Faith Baptist here on the Uriah Compound. Junior Bowery brought the message and just like Randall in the morning service, the Holy Spirit preached Junior the same way. We had another young lady saved, several rededications, and some came for healing. What a wonderful and day the Lord gave each of us. Stewart Williams brought the evening devotions, and everyone turned in early for a busy day tomorrow as we start our construction on Uriah Baptist Church.

Posted By:Layton

Date and Time Posted: Wednesday June 3, 2009 - 11:40:21 am

Saturday Morning May 30---- We started our journey early this morning with our 7:10 am flight from Tri City Airport to Atlanta. Our flight went well. After arriving in Atlanta, the team ate breakfast in the airport while waiting for our 11:30 flight to Belize City. Our three hour flight also was good and we arrived in Belize City at 2:30 US time and 12:30 Belize time. We had no problems going through customs and all our luggage arrived with us. The bus from Body & Soul picked us up and we stopped at Cheers for lunch on our way to Roaring Creek. Before we came to the Uriah Compound, we made a quick trip to Uriah Church building site. We had been asked by some at home to face the East and say special prayers for loved ones at home from the grounds at Uriah Baptist Church. The Spirit of the Lord was moving and it was like walking on Holy Ground. Words can not describe what it feels like to be in the place at the time the Lord places you. We all knew at that moment that this was God's team and everyone was hand chosen for this important mission. We were eager to begin at this point. We then came to the compound and settled into our rooms. We had sandwiches for supper and devotions were led by Dave Hill. Most everyone went to bed early because it had been a long exciting day.

Posted By:Layton

Date and Time Posted: Tuesday June 2, 2009 - 7:30:59 pm

On Monday, Damaris took Kelley, Janice (our friend from Canada) and myself to visit the schools. We visited 13 schools and finished visiting the rest of the schools today. On Wednesday, the children will start to come to Uriah to be measured for their uniforms and to receive there new School ID cards. We hope to see all of our sponsored children this week. It should be a busy time.

Posted By:Teresa

Date and Time Posted: Monday June 1, 2009 - 10:37:42 pm

Monday, June 1-- We started to work early this morning at 5:00 am to try to get as much done before it got too hot. It was cloudy and cool as we began to haul the rafters to the church site. We got all the rafters moved before breakfast and then God sent a light rain to keep it cool and it felt so good to work in the rain. Most of the day was cool and cloudy and a wonderful day to work. We almost finished with the rafters and will start with the tin roofing tomorrow. Rveryone is so tired and will probably turn in early tonight. All are fine physically and spiritually. We will try to post some pictures tonight. Please keep us in your prayers. God Bless.......

Posted By:The Team

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