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Messages To Belize Team

Date and Time Posted: Friday August 5, 2011 - 7:55:34 pm

we saw your pic u look good keep up the good work WE MISS U!!!

Posted By:Virgina and Santana

Date and Time Posted: Friday August 5, 2011 - 1:51:19 pm

Larry It is finally Friday. I hope you and the team are okay from heat etc. Mackenzie is here. They came about one o'clock. He has to go by the doctors office at 2:30. That is where he will be getting his medicine and she has to be trained to do the IV medicine. You may not get this message before you leave but if you don"t, I will see you tomorrow night. Love you"

Posted By:Brenda

Date and Time Posted: Wednesday August 3, 2011 - 6:55:24 pm

Hey dad! Sitting here with mackenzie and getting ready to go eat dinner with mom and angie. Hope u all r doing good and are accomplishing the mission u were sent for. Talk again soon. Love and prayers from all the Culbertsons.

Posted By:amy culbertson

Date and Time Posted: Wednesday August 3, 2011 - 6:21:50 pm

Hi Larry, I hope you have had another good day and are looking forward to wrapping up tomorrow. I sat with Mackenzie today. The Doctor said he was continuing to improve. He said he doesn't understand why he got this again.He said it could be because of his immune system and the reason it goes to that leg is because it is weaker because of when he broke his ankle and knee injuries from sports. He said from now on he would be his Dr. if there was a problem. He will see him in his office once a week for awhile. He was overrun with fluid from his iv and drinking too much liquid. His leg was swollen so big that the fluid was seeping through the tissue. He had a really bad night last night with pain. It took a lot of medicine to get it under control. The reason was because the skin had stretched so much that the tissue in his leg is so sore. The swelling was beginning to ho down by the end of the day today. I had never seen it that big before. Dr. Smitty came in to see him yesterday. He may get to go home in a day or two. I will talk to you later. I love you and hope to see you soon.

Posted By:Brenda

Date and Time Posted: Tuesday August 2, 2011 - 3:19:31 pm

Larry, Thank God Mackenzie may be started in the right direction. The new Dr. came in today and said his labs were improving and if nothing changed he may go home tomorrow or the next day. They did a test to see if the blood flow was good and it was, showing that there was no tissue damage. They are doing a scan today to see if there is any abscess in the tissue or on the bone. He suggested that they keep him on a low dose of medicine for awhile just to make sure they got it cleared up after he takes all of the initial treatment. I hope all the team has a good day today. I love you and miss you. I will not be here in the morning. I will stay with Mackenzie beginning at 7'oclock while Angie goes to therapy. I will talk to you later. Love and will be praying for you.

Posted By:Brenda

Date and Time Posted: Sunday July 31, 2011 - 8:10:34 pm

Hey Dad! It's your favorite daughter again. :) We are all doing well and hope you are too. Went to see Mackenzie again today. Still not a lot of improvement. The infectious disease doctor is supposed to be coming in tomorrow so guess we will wait and see what they say. He is not any worse, just not a whole lot of improvement at this point. Glad to hear you all had a good first day and pray that you had a good Lord's day there in Belize. Talked to mom today and she hasn't bought anything major yet so guess that is good news. :) She is doing fine. I will check in on her again tomorrow and see how things are going. Take care and will talk to you soon.

Posted By:Amy Culbertson

Date and Time Posted: Sunday July 31, 2011 - 4:25:38 pm

Larry, I am pleased that everyone is well and you had a safe flight. We are all praying that many hearts will be touched this week at teen camp. Tell the Reyes family that I will see them on Thursday. Save me some of the wonderful food that Yvette cooks. Tell Dave and Verna that I look forward to seeing them again. God Bless........

Posted By:Pastor Layton

Date and Time Posted: Saturday July 30, 2011 - 10:12:06 pm

Hey Dad! I trust that you have made it safely and are doing well. Mackenzie is still about the same, maybe a step back, not sure. The doctor is trying to decide what other antibiotic to put him on now as they don't feel the one he is on now is working well enough. He has slept most of the day though I think according to Angie and has had his pain under control with the pain meds. Hopefully tomorrow will show some change. We are going to go and check on him after church. I just talked to Angie and she said they are going to put him on the same med he was on the last time (last year) when this happened but it causes his blood pressure to go up. So they will have to watch that closely. So I guess the prayer need right now is that 1) the med will work and 2) that his blood pressure stays down. I talked to mom briefly and she was doing fine. I will check on her again tomorrow. Love and prayers from all of us. We love you and are praying for you!

Posted By:Amy Culbertson

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