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!!! Belize 2008 !!!

This page is dedicated to Darthula Baptist Church's April (April 26 - May 3) mission trip to Uriah in Belize for 2008

What a blessing the last trip was and what a blessing the next one will be!!

If you are interested in seeing our past trips, feel free to click here to view our past trips.


This page was utilized by the mission team while in Belize in 2008. This is the location where you can read messages that were exchanged from us and home while we were in Belize.

  • Messages to Team in Belize
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  • Daily Pictures from Team in Belize
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  • Daily Narrative
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  • Messages from Team in Belize
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  • Some Highlights from our May 2007 Trip

    Just a few of the pictures from our last trip - Check out more pictures by clicking here

    Can you see the circle in the lower left corner outside the window? That is a rainbow halo around the shadow of our plane!! God was watching over us on this trip!!

    We were lucky to have an excellent nurse with us on this trip. This was the Shipley's first mission trip to the Uriah Compound.

    A cold spot!!! Definitely a highlight :-)

    A little friend we met in Belize

    Pastor Samuel praising God for the bike that God supplied to him through our team

    Who could forget Randall's ice cream!!

    Pastor Samuel and his wife's first visit to a restaurant ever!!

    The children of Buena Vista

    Some children from Frank's Eddy Village

    Jacob's well and the crew that worked on the well

    One of the same children we saw in 2006 in Frank's Eddy

    Joe Taylor's close cousins at Lamanai... can't you see the resemblance?

    Randall's impersonization of George Washington and the crossing of the Delaware river.

    The team at Lamanai

    It is currently 12:22 pm on Sunday February 16th on the Darthula Baptist Church Web Server

    Darthula Baptist Church 1741 Lunsford Mill Rd Hiltons, VA 24258 (423) 361-1008
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