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The 2016 Nicaragua Mission Team

This page is dedicated to the 2016 Nicaragua mission team.

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Daily Narrative from the Mission Group

Date and Time Posted: Friday February 5, 2016 - 9:18:02 pm

No more earthquakes during the night. Said our goodbyes to the team staff and headed out to Managua for our trip home. Picked up some souvenirs and went to a park overlooking a lagoon. Nicaragua is a beautiful land. Met Omar and family at the motel. We are excited about coming home to our families but it is a little sad to say goodbye to all our friends here. It has been a wonderful Spirit filled week doing Gods work. Working alongside friends from Nicaragua, unable to speak the same language but communicating in Gods universal language of love. The project has been built, prayers have been answered, people have been saved, Sunday school for kids, revival for 3 nights, and seeds have been sown. Little is much when God is in it. We carry back requests for prayer from Churches in Poseltega, Candelaria, Belen, El Viejo and their mission church Puerto Morizan. Also prayer for El Viejo’s praise and worship team. There was a little boy 2 months old (Edward) that is going to have open heart surgery March 1st and he needs prayer. All these churches are praying for us. Darthula Church missions have reached out to 5 churches in Nicaragua spreading the gospel and helping them make it possible to spread the gospel. El Viejo is the church that is planting the mission church in Puerto Morizan. They are a small 50 member church that has 3 mission churches they have planted in Nicaragua. We worked as brothers alongside each other to spread the gospel. It has been a rewarding mission trip and we have been blessed as much maybe more than the people we have come here to help. We would like to thank everybody that has contributed in any way to supporting this mission. Thanks to everybody that helped raise funds, donate money, gifts or equipment. And an especially big thanks for all that have prayed for us. God has answered your prayers. We are looking forward to coming home and will see you all tomorrow. God Bless you all. In His Service. The Team.

Posted By:The Team

Date and Time Posted: Friday February 5, 2016 - 12:04:04 am

Whoa what is that shaking going on??? We woke up this morning to a tremor in Chinandega. Not bad but might have been because Omar left early!!!! We just thought someone was knocking on our door. The project is completed. It is going to be a wonderful facility to have childrens Sunday school in. This morning we had a delicious breakfast, a thoughtful devotional and discussion. We headed to the Pacific coast to see the ocean then back to the team house and a wonderful lunch. We thought we had time to rest when we heard the call, 10 minutes and we are leaving to go to Puerto Morazan. The dedication service for the Sunday school class rooms was held outside because work is being done in the main sanctuary. The El Viejo church arrived on a bus and the Praise team started up a powerful worship service. The Children loved watching the interpretive dance. A woman brought a baby up for Randy to dedicate it to God. The team prayed for specific people that requested prayer. Hector brought his family up for prayer. Hector was the guy that had been attacked a couple of months ago and barely survived, then gave his life to the Lord. The team called the praise team out and prayed for them as they had been asking for prayer all week. All the churches Darthula has helped are doing well and want our prayers. Whoa… we just felt another earthquake! Omar told us it was a 4.3 earthquake, 10 miles away three miles deep. It must be time to come home! Thankful for your prayers and His protection. In His Service. The Team

Posted By:Kathy

Date and Time Posted: Wednesday February 3, 2016 - 11:21:35 pm

What a day we have had on Wednesday. It has been a spirit filled day that only God could orchestrate. It started with devotionals this morning that made the team feel like they had already been to church. We knew God was in this day and it would be great. The project was finished today with the church being painted, the windows painted, the electrical finished and the doors hung. Also we found that some are called to paint then some just paint themselves. What can I say??? VBS had a skit based on the Bible story of the birth of Samuel. The point was you are never too young to be used by God. You need a personnel relationship with God to be used by him so staying in context with yesterday they were taught about prayer or talking with God. We taught them the 5 finger prayer. After songs and games the children were treated to ice cream. We had a teenager at the site talking to the Pastor from El Viejo and Randy to accept Jesus as his personal savior. Back to the team house and off to Poseltega for services. We had built the parsonage here and they remembered us individually and gave us a warm welcome. Randy brought the message about the woman who touched Jesus’s garments and was healed by her faith. It was a moving message and the congregation was touched. Pastor Felix said they watched the news and prayed for us when they saw something concerning our state. Again they took the team to the front and prayed for each of us and the mission. It was Powerful. Everybody in the congregation hugged us like we were old friends. We were all invited back to Poseltega anytime we want to worship with them. It has been a great day that our God has made. God Bless you all. In His Service The Team

Posted By:The Team

Date and Time Posted: Tuesday February 2, 2016 - 11:34:08 pm

Up early and off to the work site after breakfast. The team went together to visit the Lady at the Well. She has been on Jerry, Darlene and the churches heart all year. We took Freddie and some of the Church members with us. We relayed that Darthula had been praying for her all year. Freddie asked her if she knew where she was going if she died. She replied that she was going to Heaven because she knew Jesus. Glory!!!! The team knew she was under conviction when they left her last year. So Praise the Lord Prayers have been answered. Darthula gave her a mission ball, glasses, Bible, and food. Then we went into the village to evangelize. One young man rededicated his life to Christ. The villagers invited us into their homes gave us their chairs and listened with interest as we shared the gospel. Invites were given to Bible school and the dedication service on Thursday. The project is getting along very well. The primer has been put on and the first coat applied. The second coat goes on tomorrow. The Lights, the receptacles the switches are all in. Tomorrow we will turn the electrical on. The windows have been installed, and the doors will be installed tomorrow. VBS is getting larger every day. We had approximately 80 children today. They learned about how God created the world and everything in it. We had a fun time singing songs and playing games. Back home great dinner and back to El Viejo for a wonderful worship service. Freddie brought the message about why are the men missing from church. The El Viejo praise team led a powerful worship service. In His Service, The Team

Posted By:The Team

Date and Time Posted: Monday February 1, 2016 - 11:25:36 pm

The first day of working on the project and VBS started off by losing power during the night. Thanks to Randall and Jan Roller for the generator that kept the air conditioner running during the night. The power came back on about 7. As we finished the blog last night and prepared for bed, Wayne got up and thought it was 6am and got ready for work. Oops I thought I had stayed up all night. After a slow start in the morning we split up and Randy and the Kathys went door to door evangelizing. They had 1 person saved (praise the Lord) and a lot of seed sown. Please pray for the souls that responded by “maybe later”. We pray that their hearts have been softened and the seed will take root. We had close to 60 kids at VBS. The lesson was John 3:16.The theme was to talk with God all day every day and will be stressed during the entire VBS. A song was translated into Spanish and taught to the kids. The Song “Good Morning God”. Some of us went to pick up supplies to get started on the construction. Shopping in Nicaragua is challenging and you have to be very patient. The construction is going very well with the outside primed and ready for the paint. The electrical went well and we are about half way done. Back to the team house for a fast supper and off to Belen for the crusade. Pulled up to the church with the music and warm greetings from the people. Randy had a fired up message about protecting your pea patch. 2nd Samuel 23:11-12. Randy was his usual self – not only roaming the aisle but calling out to the people in the bushes out along the road. The congregation was moved by the Holy Spirit. This little church is growing. They are prayerful and it is humbling to be with them. Back to the team house and Omar treated us to ice cream. The team has absolutely been blessed today by these gentle, loving people. In His service, The Team

Posted By:The Team

Date and Time Posted: Sunday January 31, 2016 - 11:32:52 pm

A Long journey started Saturday morning ended in Chinandega Nicaragua early Sunday morning. We all arrived well and was glad to be back in Nicaragua to do Gods work. We missed our team leaders (Jerry and Darlene) and continue praying for them. We also know they are supporting the team with constant prayer. We all got a good nights rest and headed out to Candelaria for Sunday morning services. Candelaria was the first church Darthula mission teams built. It was exciting and uplifting to be back in Candelaria worshiping our Lord with old friends. Randy preached a uplifting service about “Is there anything too hard for God”. Prayer was offered up for the team by the church and we prayed for the church. After lunch the Kathys went shopping for the contents of the gift bags we will use on visitation. The rest of the team went to Puerto Morazan to see the construction and make a list of materials needed for tomorrow. We all met back at the team house and stuffed 40 bags for visitation. The Lord is showing big things on this trip, we can see it coming. Later in the afternoon we went to El Viejo for evening worship service. After the beautiful welcoming we received, the Praise team got fired up and we worshipped the Lord in a large way. The Holy Spirit was flowing out the windows and doors. A lot of people came forward requesting us to pray for families, lost souls and ailments. It was a moving experience and we were blessed. Back to the team house to prepare for tomorrow. We are looking forward to this week worshipping the Lord and see what he has in store for us. We are open to his calling. Please pray for us. The Team in His Service.

Posted By:The Team

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