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The 2015 Sector 4 Puerto Marazan Nicaragua Mission Team

This page is dedicated to the 2015 Sector 4 Puerto Marazan Nicaragua mission team.

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Susie and Amber experiencing Nicaragua

Missionaries selfie

Baptist Church Founded upon the rock

Darlene's pack horse

The crowd at the Dedication service

Holy Mackerel Batman were are you

Electrical work

Electrical work




The Palace

Visiting old friends

Wayne in  front of the church

The team being introduced at the Dedication service


Randy practicing for the Atlanta train. or ??????

It is currently 1:08 pm on Sunday February 16th on the Darthula Baptist Church Web Server

Darthula Baptist Church 1741 Lunsford Mill Rd Hiltons, VA 24258 (423) 361-1008
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