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The 2015 Sector 4 Puerto Marazan Nicaragua Mission Team

This page is dedicated to the 2015 Sector 4 Puerto Marazan Nicaragua mission team.

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The woman at the well

Village vistation

Kathy gave this lady her glasses

Amber on visitation

Working hard? or hardly working?

Is the heat getting to Henry

Nicaragua's spin on Mary Poppins

The Bird

Soccer ball winner reading the ball

Doing the father Abraham

Wearing his ice cream

Recited John 3:16

Alexander gets a soccer ball


El Viejo praying for team members

2 Supervisors to make a hole in a plate?

Villager saved yesterday and gets a gift from God

The Hokey Pokey

Jerry bringing a message to El Viejo

Randy preaching at El Viejo

Mother and daughter warsh boarding and lovin it

It is currently 1:39 pm on Sunday February 16th on the Darthula Baptist Church Web Server

Darthula Baptist Church 1741 Lunsford Mill Rd Hiltons, VA 24258 (423) 361-1008
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